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                                              CTS Sample Paper #3


1. slur : speech : : smudge :?
         Ans: writing

2. epaulet : shoulder : : ring :?

3. vernacular : place : :  fingerprint : ?

1. corpulent
         Ans: emaciated

2. officious
         Ans: pragmate

3. dextrous
         Ans: clumsy


The following sentences are broken into 4 sections- A, B, C, D
Choose the part that has a mistake
Mark (E) if you find no mistake.


1).    a) Psychologists point out that              b) there are human processes

        c) Which does not involve                     d) the use of words

        Ans. (C) which does not involve (do)

2).    a) jack ordered for        b) two plates of chicken        c) and a glass       d) of water

        Ans. (A) jack ordered for

The following is a group of questions is based on a passage or a set of conditions for each question. Select the best answer choice given

(i). If law forbids it if the object of agreement is the doing of an act,
that is forbidden by law the agreement is void.

(ii). If it is of the nature that, it would defeat the provision of any law
is the agreement is void. if the object of agreement is such that thing got
directly forbidden by law it would defeat the provision of statuary law.

(iii). If the object of agreement is fraudulent it is void.

(iv). An object of agreement is void if it involves or implies to the personal property of another.

(v). An object of agreement is void where the constant regards as ignored.

(vi). An object of agreement is void where the constant regard is as opposed to public policy.


1). An algorithm follows a six step process za, zb, zc, zd, ze, zf, it is governed by the following:

(i) zd should follow ze                                        (ii) the first may be za,zd or zf
(iii) zb and zc have to be performed after zd      (iv) zc must be immediately after zb

2). If za is the first set zd must be

        a) 3rd      b) 5th    c) 2nd     d) 4th


3). If zb must follow za then za can be

      a) Third or fourth   b) first or second   c) can not be third   d) fourth or fifth   e) none

4). If ze is third term the number of different operations possible are…

The following questions are based on the given statements:

Ravi plants six separate saplings -- x, y, z, w, u, v in rows no 1 to 6, according to the following conditions:
 a) He must plant x before y and u… b) He must plant y and w… c) The third has to be z


5). Which of the following is acceptable

      a) xuywzv     b) xvzyuw     c) zuyxwv       d) zvxuwy      e) wyzuvx


6). Which of the following is true

       a) z before v         b) z before x       c) w before u        d) y before u         e) x before w


7). If he plants v first, then which can be planted second

      a) x      b) y       c) z       d) w        e) u


8). Which of the following describes a correct combination of sapling and row?

       a) x,3        b) y,6         c) z,1         d) w,2         e) u,6

9). If he plants b 6th which would be planted first and second

       a) x and w         b) x and y          c)y and x           d)w and z           e) w and u


10). If he plants w before u and after v he should plant w at

        a) First               b) second           c) fourth             d) fifth               e) sixth


11). At a certain moment a watch shows 2 min lag although it is running fast.
       If it showed a 3 min lag at that moment, but also gains by 1/2 min more a day than its       current speed it would show the true time one day sooner than it usually does.
How many minutes does the watch gain per day.

     a) 2       b) 5         c) 6       d) 4         e) 75


12). In 400m race A gives B a start of 7 sec and beats him by 24 sec.
 In another race A beats B by 10 sec. The speeds are in the ratio?

          a) 8:7            b) 7:6         c) 10:8            d) 6:8           e) 12:10


13). 3x+4y=10 and  x3 + y3=6… what is the minimum value of 3x+11y = ?


14). There are 600 tennis players. 4% wear wristband on one wrist. Of the remaining, 25% wear wristbands on both hands. How many players don't wear a wristband?

                Ans. 432

15). Three types of tea a, b, c costs Rs. 95/kg, 100/kg and70/kg respectively.
       How many kgs of each should be blended to produce 100 kg of mixture worth     

       Rs.90/kg, given that the quantities of band c are equal?

    a) 70,15,15           b) 50,25,25           c) 60,20,20            d) 40,30,30      

                 Ans. (b)

16). Two distinct no's are taken from 1,2,3,4...28
 Find the probability that their sum is less than 13?


Pattern = 5 * 8 =40   

 1…..A question will be givem with six characters like  AAABBB

         16 MEANS YOU HAVE TO INTERCHANGE Ist character with VI th one and then change the         

          charactert  adjacent to it.         




                16 =>     AAABBB






                25=>       AAABBB





                34 =>      AAABBB




                8 QUESTIONSA MODEL

(I.                   apply  25 &34  successively)

(II.                 Apply 34 & 16 successively)

(III.               Apply 16 &16 successively)

(IV.               Apply 25&25 successively)                               etc…….

Another  question …


Choice 1.                34 & 25 succesively.

Choice 2.                25 & 25 succesively.

Choice 3.                34 & 34 succesively.

Choice 4.                34 & 25 succesively.


Answers and hints

1.        If  two conditions are being applied simultaneously the you will get same answer.

e.g….suppose AAABBB…Apply 34& 34 then the result will be AAABBB

 2.             F(n,a,b,c)       =      AC if n=1

                F(n,A,B,C)     =   F(n-1,A,C,B)+ F(1,A,B,C) + F(n-1,B,A,C)

              This is the question.

i.                     find  F(2,B,A,C) = F( 1,b,c,a)+ F(1,b,a,c)+F(1,a,b,c) =ba+bc+ac

ii.                    Find F(2,C,A,B) = F( 1, c,b, a)+ F(1, c,a,b)+F(1,a,c,b) =ca+cb+ab

(one imp. Point ca not = bc); (ca+cb+ab) is not = (ab+cb+ca)

iii.                  F(4,a,b,c) = ?= F(3,a,c,b) +F(1,a,b,c) +F(3,b,a,c)

F(3,a,c,b) =  F(2,a,b,c) + F(1,a,c,b) +F(2,c,a,b)

                F(2,a,b,c) =  F(1,a,c,b) +F(1,a,b,c) +F(1,b,a,c)

                So ab+Ac+bc = 3.

f(2,a,b,c) =3 ;f (3,a,b,c) = 3+1+3 = 7, f(4,a,bc,)= 7+1+7=15

Like this find f(5,a,b,c)= ?=( ans =31 pl. check)

Like this find f(3,a,b,c) =?


                N= no of poles

                R= No of flags

                If N=5 and R=4

What are the possible ways the flag can be tag to the poll. 1st pole = 2,3,4

Ans=> 5*5*5*5 = 5to the power 4 = 625

                Most probably choice (D)

                                 If N=3 and  R=3  and if the flag are identical what rae the diff. Ways flags can be tagged .

                                 Ans+10 ( Please cross check)

                               If N=3 and R=3 and if flags and poles are identical

                                Ans => 3

                                 If N=4  and R=3 and if both flag and poles are identical

                                 Ans=> 3

                                If N= 5 and R=5 Two flags tied in the first pole one flag tied in the third pole what are the

ways that the remaining flags can be tied.

                                Ans => 3*3*3 


             COGNIZANT (CTS) -2002


* There were

                        * 5 sections

                        * 8 questions each (40 q totally)

                        * 60 minutes

                        * 5 different sets of question papers

                        * 1 Mark each

                        * 0.25 negative marking



Vocabulary, strings, dominoes, functions, coding (each section 8 ques)



Word series, numerical series, functions, figures, verbal (each section 8 ques)



Functions, strings, bricks, jigsaw puzzle, cryptic clues (each section 8 ques)



 1) 8 functions               2) 4 cryptic clues, 4 anagrams

 3) 4 Tetris figures, 4 bricks   4) 8 strings                     5) 4 jigsaw puzzles 4 number series



There were different papers for different sessions.

The paper had 5 sections, 5 * 8 = 40 Que's. totally.


Section 1: Functions


Q: 1 - 8

       Certain functions were given & based upon the rules & the choices had to be made based on recursion. This is time consuming, but u can do it. Try to do it at the end. Start from the last section.


L(x) is a function defined. functions can be defined as

L(x)=(a,b,ab) or (a,b,(a,b),(a,(b,b)),a,(b,b)).... two functions were given A(x) & B(x) like

if l(x)=(a,b,c) then A(x)=(a) & B(x)=(b,c)

i.e., A(x) contains the first element of the function only.

  &   B(x) contains the remaining, except the first element.

then  the other two functions were defined as

      C(x) =  *   if L(x) = ()

              A(x)  if L(x) = () & B(x) != ()  & C(B(x))  otherwise 

      D(x) =  *    if L(x) = ()

                  ** if B(x) = ()

                  A(x), if L(x) != () & B(x) != ()

                  D(D(x)),otherwise ;

Now the Questions are,


1 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b))  then C(x) is ?

     (a): a  (b): b   (c): c   (d): none


2 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b)) then find D(x)

      same options as above


3 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b),(b,(b)))  find C(x)


4 : -----------~~~~~~~~----------  find D(x)


5 : if L(x) = (a,(a,b),(a,b,(a,(b))),b)  then find c(x)


6 : -----------~~~~~~~~----------  find D(x)


7 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b)) then find C(D(x))


8 : -----------~~~~~~~~----------  find D(C(x)) 


Section 2: Word series


Q’s: 9 - 16

This is one of the easiest sections. Try to do it at first.


If S is a string then p, q, r forms the sub strings of S. For eg, if S = aaababc & p = aa,

q = ab, r =bc . Then on applying p à q on S is that ababaabc. Only the first occurrence of S has to be substituted. If there is no sub string of p, q, r on s then it should not be



If S = aabbcc, R = ab, Q = bc. Now we define an operator R  Q when operated on S, R is replaced by Q, provided Q is a subset of S, otherwise R will be unchanged. Given a set S =… when R Q, P&#61 = 672; R, Q  P operated successively on S, what will be new S? There will be 4 =: if s = aaababc & p = aa, q = ab, r = bc then applying p à q, q à r & r à p will give,

       (a): aaababc  (b): abaabbc  (c): abcbaac   (d): none of the a,b,c


10: if s = aaababc & p = aa q = ab r = bc then applying q à r & r à p will give,


11: if s = abababc & p = aa q = ab r = bc then applying p à q, q à r & r à p will give,


12: if s = abababc & p = aa q = ab r =bc then applying q à r & r à p will give,


13: if s=aabc  & p=aa q=ab r=ac then applying p->q(2) q->r(2) r->p  will give,

       (2) Means applying the same thing twice.

14: Similar type of problem.

15) if s = abbabc p = ab q = bb r = bc then to get s = abbabc which one should be applied.

        (a): p->q,q->r,r->p

16) if s = abbabc p = ab q = bb r = bc then to get s = bbbcbabc which one should be applied.

        Let us consider a set of strings such as S = aabcab. We now consider two more sets P and Q that also contain strings. An operation Pà Q is defined in such a manner that if P is a subset of S, then P is to be replaced by Q. In the following questions, you are given various sets of strings on which you have to perform certain operations as defined above. Choose the correct alternative as your answer.

(Below are some ques from old ques papers)


a) Let S = abcabc, P = bc, Q = bb and R = ba. Then P à Q, Q à R and R à P, changes S to  ________?         (A) ............  (B) abcabc         (C) ............  (D) none of A, B, C


b) Let S = aabbcc, P = ab, Q = bc and R = cc. Then P à Q, Q à R and R à P, changes S to _________?        (A) ababab        (B) ............   (C) ............  (D) none of A, B, C


c) Let S = bcacbc, P = ac, Q = ca and R = ba. Then P à Q, Q à R, P à R and changes S to ________?         (A) ............  (B) ............   (C) bcbabc     (D) none of A,B,C


d) Let S = caabcb, P = aa, Q = ca and R = bcb. Then P à Q, P à R, R àQ and changes S to ________?        (A) ............  (B) ............   (C) ............  (D) none of A,B,C


Section 3: numerical series


Q’s: 17 - 24

This is little bit tough. proper guesses should be made.Find these problems in R.S.Aggarval's verbal & non verbal reasoning.

17:   2,20,80,100…

       (a): 121,  (b): 116  (c):    (d):none

18:   10,16,2146,2218…


Section 4: figures



    ^                  ^               ^

    | ->             <- |           -> |

    ^     :           ^       :         ^   :   ?

    | ->             <- |           <- |


 ans is : 



                        | <-


                        | ->

Section 3: series (from other booklet): Transformations


17:  1 1 0 2 2 1 1 à 0 0 1 0 0 2 2

     1 0 1 1 0 0 1 à 2 1 2 2 1 1 2

    then  2 2 1 1 0 1 1  à ????

    Ans: may be 0 0 2 2 1 2 2


18:  1 1 0 0 2 2 à 2 2 0 0 1 1

     1 0 1 1 2 1 à 1 2 1 1 0 1


Section 5: Verbal


Two words together forming compound words were given. The q's contained the second part of the compound word. The first word of the compound word had to be guessed. Then its meaning had to be matched with the choices.

(see old papers)  like ...block head, main stream, star dust




(1) -(head)- (a) purpose (b) man (c) obstacle

(ans:c for blockhead)


(2) (dust)- (a) container (b) celestial body (c) groom

(ans: c for star dust)


(3) (stream )-(a) mountain (b) straight (c)



(4) (crash)- (a) course (b) stock3

________________________________________________________________________Red Set :


i) Series Transformation:


1) If 102101 à 210212 then 112112 à ?


2) If 102101 à 200111 then 112112 à ?


3) If 102101 à 101201 then 112112 à ?


Tips: The 1st one all change 0->1, 1->2, 2->1 AND the 2nd on alternate do not change AND the 3rd it is just reverse of the original string.


ii) Target=127: Brick=24,17,13: Operation available = +, /, *, -

   Again there r 4 choices. For ex choice b) 20,6,7

  Tips: Answer is (b) b’cos 20*6+7=127. Hence it is the answer


Q: 1) U have to make a Target =102; The Answer from the option is  (6,17,2,1)


Q: 2) TARGET = 41; Five No’s were given, 25 22 16 5 1. U can use this no’s only once & can perform Operation  +, *, -, /, (); Options were:

A) 25 22 16 5      B) 25 22 16 1      C) 25 22 5 1       D) 25 16 5 1)




iii) Cryptic Sentence - Form words


A sentence is there .a cryptically clue is hidden in the sentence. Find out answer from the option.

1) A friend in Rome

a) aerodrome    b) palindine     c) palindrome     d) condom

Ans: palindrome


2) Rowed them across

a) Crosswiz       b) acropolis     c) acroword       d) crossword

Ans: crossword/crossover


3) Cuticle cutting the filly glass

a) Cubicle         b) up hilly       c) cut glass                d) cutlass

Ans: cutlass


4) Hat jumps upward in a water closet

a) Watch       b) witch

Ans: watch/whatever


Tips: The 1st one Jumble out the word SHORE to get the word HORSE and then get the adjective of the word HORSE as TROJAN

     The 2nd one lips à slip à Freudian  / French


iv) Anagram noun form the corresponding adjectives



Q: some nouns are jumbled on, you have to rearrange, look for a suitable adjective:

Make a phrase then.

1) Shore

a) Aegean       b) Indian         c) Trojan       d) Spartan

Ans: Trojan


2) Sire

a) dutch          b) rome           c) herculean   d) mercurial

Ans: mercurial


3) Ourcage

a) English          b) Rome          c) Dutch           d) Spartan

Ans: Spartan


4) Lips

 Again there r 4 choices.



v) Jigsaw puzzle as given in the book by Edgar Thorpe, of TMH Publications


vi) FUNCTIONS same as CTS_BLACK\fun


vii) x, y à strings of G st there is at least one G in x and y

xoxy valid

xoy à xoxy invalid

Find valid & invalid strings


Last section had meaningful words whose anagrams are nouns and have to choose the best adjective from the list to describe this noun:


Eg: shore (word given)

Choices are:      a) roman                 b) Spanish             c) Trojan          d)....

Ans: c) Trojan


Shore is anagram (jumbled form of) 'horse' and Trojan -- horse is the best match



2) This section had the funda of xOy where x and y represented strings of Gs. The test was to find the valid or invalid patterns with reference to the rules.


1) L=list of objects


Eg) L = {a, b, c, d} where a,b,c,d are objects

P(L) was a function( don’t remember exactly).

M(L) was another function defined etc.

in the following questions P(x) etc were given to be found out.


Note: This may take considerable amount of time. So take intelligent guesses.


                                                 COGNIZANT (CTS) -2002


* There were

                        * 5 sections

                        * 8 questions each (40 q totally)

                        * 60 minutes

                        * 5 different sets of question papers

                        * 1 Mark each

                        * 0.25 negative marking



Vocabulary, strings, dominoes, functions, coding (each section 8 ques)



Word series, numerical series, functions, figures, verbal (each section 8 ques)



Functions, strings, bricks, jigsaw puzzle, cryptic clues (each section 8 ques)



 1) 8 functions               2) 4 cryptic clues, 4 anagrams

 3) 4 Tetris figures, 4 bricks   4) 8 strings                     5) 4 jigsaw puzzles 4 number series



There were different papers for different sessions.

The paper had 5 sections, 5 * 8 = 40 Que's. totally.


Section 1: Functions


Q: 1 - 8

       Certain functions were given & based upon the rules & the choices had to be made based on recursion. This is time consuming, but u can do it. Try to do it at the end. Start from the last section.


L(x) is a function defined. functions can be defined as

L(x)=(a,b,ab) or (a,b,(a,b),(a,(b,b)),a,(b,b)).... two functions were given A(x) & B(x) like

if l(x)=(a,b,c) then A(x)=(a) & B(x)=(b,c)

i.e., A(x) contains the first element of the function only.

  &   B(x) contains the remaining, except the first element.

then  the other two functions were defined as

      C(x) =  *   if L(x) = ()

              A(x)  if L(x) = () & B(x) != ()  & C(B(x))  otherwise 

      D(x) =  *    if L(x) = ()

                  ** if B(x) = ()

                  A(x), if L(x) != () & B(x) != ()

                  D(D(x)),otherwise ;

Now the Questions are,


1 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b))  then C(x) is ?

     (a): a  (b): b   (c): c   (d): none


2 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b)) then find D(x)

      same options as above


3 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b),(b,(b)))  find C(x)


4 : -----------~~~~~~~~----------  find D(x)


5 : if L(x) = (a,(a,b),(a,b,(a,(b))),b)  then find c(x)


6 : -----------~~~~~~~~----------  find D(x)


7 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b)) then find C(D(x))


8 : -----------~~~~~~~~----------  find D(C(x)) 


Section 2: Word series


Q’s: 9 - 16

This is one of the easiest sections. Try to do it at first.


If S is a string then p, q, r forms the sub strings of S. For eg, if S = aaababc & p = aa,

q = ab, r =bc . Then on applying p à q on S is that ababaabc. Only the first occurrence of S has to be substituted. If there is no sub string of p, q, r on s then it should not be



If S = aabbcc, R = ab, Q = bc. Now we define an operator R  Q when operated on S, R is replaced by Q, provided Q is a subset of S, otherwise R will be unchanged. Given a set S =… when R Q, P&#61 = 672; R, Q  P operated successively on S, what will be new S? There will be 4 =: if s = aaababc & p = aa, q = ab, r = bc then applying p à q, q à r & r à p will give,

       (a): aaababc  (b): abaabbc  (c): abcbaac   (d): none of the a,b,c


10: if s = aaababc & p = aa q = ab r = bc then applying q à r & r à p will give,


11: if s = abababc & p = aa q = ab r = bc then applying p à q, q à r & r à p will give,


12: if s = abababc & p = aa q = ab r =bc then applying q à r & r à p will give,


13: if s=aabc  & p=aa q=ab r=ac then applying p->q(2) q->r(2) r->p  will give,

       (2) Means applying the same thing twice.

14: Similar type of problem.

15) if s = abbabc p = ab q = bb r = bc then to get s = abbabc which one should be applied.

        (a): p->q,q->r,r->p

16) if s = abbabc p = ab q = bb r = bc then to get s = bbbcbabc which one should be applied.

        Let us consider a set of strings such as S = aabcab. We now consider two more sets P and Q that also contain strings. An operation Pà Q is defined in such a manner that if P is a subset of S, then P is to be replaced by Q. In the following questions, you are given various sets of strings on which you have to perform certain operations as defined above. Choose the correct alternative as your answer.

(Below are some ques from old ques papers)


a) Let S = abcabc, P = bc, Q = bb and R = ba. Then P à Q, Q à R and R à P, changes S to  ________?         (A) ............  (B) abcabc         (C) ............  (D) none of A, B, C


b) Let S = aabbcc, P = ab, Q = bc and R = cc. Then P à Q, Q à R and R à P, changes S to _________?        (A) ababab        (B) ............   (C) ............  (D) none of A, B, C


c) Let S = bcacbc, P = ac, Q = ca and R = ba. Then P à Q, Q à R, P à R and changes S to ________?         (A) ............  (B) ............   (C) bcbabc     (D) none of A,B,C


d) Let S = caabcb, P = aa, Q = ca and R = bcb. Then P à Q, P à R, R àQ and changes S to ________?        (A) ............  (B) ............   (C) ............  (D) none of A,B,C


Section 3: numerical series


Q’s: 17 - 24

This is little bit tough. proper guesses should be made.Find these problems in R.S.Aggarval's verbal & non verbal reasoning.

17:   2,20,80,100…

       (a): 121,  (b): 116  (c):    (d):none

18:   10,16,2146,2218…


Section 4: figures



    ^                  ^               ^

    | ->             <- |           -> |

    ^     :           ^       :         ^   :   ?

    | ->             <- |           <- |


 ans is : 



                        | <-


                        | ->

Section 3: series (from other booklet): Transformations


17:  1 1 0 2 2 1 1 à 0 0 1 0 0 2 2

     1 0 1 1 0 0 1 à 2 1 2 2 1 1 2

    then  2 2 1 1 0 1 1  à ????

    Ans: may be 0 0 2 2 1 2 2


18:  1 1 0 0 2 2 à 2 2 0 0 1 1

     1 0 1 1 2 1 à 1 2 1 1 0 1


Section 5: Verbal


Two words together forming compound words were given. The q's contained the second part of the compound word. The first word of the compound word had to be guessed. Then its meaning had to be matched with the choices.

(see old papers)  like ...block head, main stream, star dust




(1) -(head)- (a) purpose (b) man (c) obstacle

(ans:c for blockhead)


(2) (dust)- (a) container (b) celestial body (c) groom

(ans: c for star dust)


(3) (stream )-(a) mountain (b) straight (c)



(4) (crash)- (a) course (b) stock3

________________________________________________________________________Red Set :


i) Series Transformation:


1) If 102101 à 210212 then 112112 à ?


2) If 102101 à 200111 then 112112 à ?


3) If 102101 à 101201 then 112112 à ?


Tips: The 1st one all change 0->1, 1->2, 2->1 AND the 2nd on alternate do not change AND the 3rd it is just reverse of the original string.


ii) Target=127: Brick=24,17,13: Operation available = +, /, *, -

   Again there r 4 choices. For ex choice b) 20,6,7

  Tips: Answer is (b) b’cos 20*6+7=127. Hence it is the answer


Q: 1) U have to make a Target =102; The Answer from the option is  (6,17,2,1)


Q: 2) TARGET = 41; Five No’s were given, 25 22 16 5 1. U can use this no’s only once & can perform Operation  +, *, -, /, (); Options were:

A) 25 22 16 5      B) 25 22 16 1      C) 25 22 5 1       D) 25 16 5 1)




iii) Cryptic Sentence - Form words


A sentence is there .a cryptically clue is hidden in the sentence. Find out answer from the option.

1) A friend in Rome

a) aerodrome    b) palindine     c) palindrome     d) condom

Ans: palindrome


2) Rowed them across

a) Crosswiz       b) acropolis     c) acroword       d) crossword

Ans: crossword/crossover


3) Cuticle cutting the filly glass

a) Cubicle         b) up hilly       c) cut glass                d) cutlass

Ans: cutlass


4) Hat jumps upward in a water closet

a) Watch       b) witch

Ans: watch/whatever


Tips: The 1st one Jumble out the word SHORE to get the word HORSE and then get the adjective of the word HORSE as TROJAN

     The 2nd one lips à slip à Freudian  / French


iv) Anagram noun form the corresponding adjectives



Q: some nouns are jumbled on, you have to rearrange, look for a suitable adjective:

Make a phrase then.

1) Shore

a) Aegean       b) Indian         c) Trojan       d) Spartan

Ans: Trojan


2) Sire

a) dutch          b) rome           c) herculean   d) mercurial

Ans: mercurial


3) Ourcage

a) English          b) Rome          c) Dutch           d) Spartan

Ans: Spartan


4) Lips

 Again there r 4 choices.



v) Jigsaw puzzle as given in the book by Edgar Thorpe, of TMH Publications


vi) FUNCTIONS same as CTS_BLACK\fun


vii) x, y à strings of G st there is at least one G in x and y

xoxy valid

xoy à xoxy invalid

Find valid & invalid strings


Last section had meaningful words whose anagrams are nouns and have to choose the best adjective from the list to describe this noun:


Eg: shore (word given)

Choices are:      a) roman                 b) Spanish             c) Trojan          d)....

Ans: c) Trojan


Shore is anagram (jumbled form of) 'horse' and Trojan -- horse is the best match



2) This section had the funda of xOy where x and y represented strings of Gs. The test was to find the valid or invalid patterns with reference to the rules.


1) L=list of objects


Eg) L = {a, b, c, d} where a,b,c,d are objects

P(L) was a function( don’t remember exactly).

M(L) was another function defined etc.

in the following questions P(x) etc were given to be found out.


Note: This may take considerable amount of time. So take intelligent guesses.


                                                 COGNIZANT (CTS) -2002


* There were

                        * 5 sections

                        * 8 questions each (40 q totally)

                        * 60 minutes

                        * 5 different sets of question papers

                        * 1 Mark each

                        * 0.25 negative marking



Vocabulary, strings, dominoes, functions, coding (each section 8 ques)



Word series, numerical series, functions, figures, verbal (each section 8 ques)



Functions, strings, bricks, jigsaw puzzle, cryptic clues (each section 8 ques)



 1) 8 functions               2) 4 cryptic clues, 4 anagrams

 3) 4 Tetris figures, 4 bricks   4) 8 strings                     5) 4 jigsaw puzzles 4 number series



There were different papers for different sessions.

The paper had 5 sections, 5 * 8 = 40 Que's. totally.


Section 1: Functions


Q: 1 - 8

       Certain functions were given & based upon the rules & the choices had to be made based on recursion. This is time consuming, but u can do it. Try to do it at the end. Start from the last section.


L(x) is a function defined. functions can be defined as

L(x)=(a,b,ab) or (a,b,(a,b),(a,(b,b)),a,(b,b)).... two functions were given A(x) & B(x) like

if l(x)=(a,b,c) then A(x)=(a) & B(x)=(b,c)

i.e., A(x) contains the first element of the function only.

  &   B(x) contains the remaining, except the first element.

then  the other two functions were defined as

      C(x) =  *   if L(x) = ()

              A(x)  if L(x) = () & B(x) != ()  & C(B(x))  otherwise 

      D(x) =  *    if L(x) = ()

                  ** if B(x) = ()

                  A(x), if L(x) != () & B(x) != ()

                  D(D(x)),otherwise ;

Now the Questions are,


1 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b))  then C(x) is ?

     (a): a  (b): b   (c): c   (d): none


2 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b)) then find D(x)

      same options as above


3 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b),(b,(b)))  find C(x)


4 : -----------~~~~~~~~----------  find D(x)


5 : if L(x) = (a,(a,b),(a,b,(a,(b))),b)  then find c(x)


6 : -----------~~~~~~~~----------  find D(x)


7 : if L(x) = (a,b,(a,b)) then find C(D(x))


8 : -----------~~~~~~~~----------  find D(C(x)) 


Section 2: Word series


Q’s: 9 - 16

This is one of the easiest sections. Try to do it at first.


If S is a string then p, q, r forms the sub strings of S. For eg, if S = aaababc & p = aa,

q = ab, r =bc . Then on applying p à q on S is that ababaabc. Only the first occurrence of S has to be substituted. If there is no sub string of p, q, r on s then it should not be



If S = aabbcc, R = ab, Q = bc. Now we define an operator R  Q when operated on S, R is replaced by Q, provided Q is a subset of S, otherwise R will be unchanged. Given a set S =… when R Q, P&#61 = 672; R, Q  P operated successively on S, what will be new S? There will be 4 =: if s = aaababc & p = aa, q = ab, r = bc then applying p à q, q à r & r à p will give,

       (a): aaababc  (b): abaabbc  (c): abcbaac   (d): none of the a,b,c


10: if s = aaababc & p = aa q = ab r = bc then applying q à r & r à p will give,


11: if s = abababc & p = aa q = ab r = bc then applying p à q, q à r & r à p will give,


12: if s = abababc & p = aa q = ab r =bc then applying q à r & r à p will give,


13: if s=aabc  & p=aa q=ab r=ac then applying p->q(2) q->r(2) r->p  will give,

       (2) Means applying the same thing twice.

14: Similar type of problem.

15) if s = abbabc p = ab q = bb r = bc then to get s = abbabc which one should be applied.

        (a): p->q,q->r,r->p

16) if s = abbabc p = ab q = bb r = bc then to get s = bbbcbabc which one should be applied.

        Let us consider a set of strings such as S = aabcab. We now consider two more sets P and Q that also contain strings. An operation Pà Q is defined in such a manner that if P is a subset of S, then P is to be replaced by Q. In the following questions, you are given various sets of strings on which you have to perform certain operations as defined above. Choose the correct alternative as your answer.

(Below are some ques from old ques papers)


a) Let S = abcabc, P = bc, Q = bb and R = ba. Then P à Q, Q à R and R à P, changes S to  ________?         (A) ............  (B) abcabc         (C) ............  (D) none of A, B, C


b) Let S = aabbcc, P = ab, Q = bc and R = cc. Then P à Q, Q à R and R à P, changes S to _________?        (A) ababab        (B) ............   (C) ............  (D) none of A, B, C


c) Let S = bcacbc, P = ac, Q = ca and R = ba. Then P à Q, Q à R, P à R and changes S to ________?         (A) ............  (B) ............   (C) bcbabc     (D) none of A,B,C


d) Let S = caabcb, P = aa, Q = ca and R = bcb. Then P à Q, P à R, R àQ and changes S to ________?        (A) ............  (B) ............   (C) ............  (D) none of A,B,C


Section 3: numerical series


Q’s: 17 - 24

This is little bit tough. proper guesses should be made.Find these problems in R.S.Aggarval's verbal & non verbal reasoning.

17:   2,20,80,100…

       (a): 121,  (b): 116  (c):    (d):none

18:   10,16,2146,2218…


Section 4: figures



    ^                  ^               ^

    | ->             <- |           -> |

    ^     :           ^       :         ^   :   ?

    | ->             <- |           <- |


 ans is : 



                        | <-


                        | ->

Section 3: series (from other booklet): Transformations


17:  1 1 0 2 2 1 1 à 0 0 1 0 0 2 2

     1 0 1 1 0 0 1 à 2 1 2 2 1 1 2

    then  2 2 1 1 0 1 1  à ????

    Ans: may be 0 0 2 2 1 2 2


18:  1 1 0 0 2 2 à 2 2 0 0 1 1

     1 0 1 1 2 1 à 1 2 1 1 0 1


Section 5: Verbal


Two words together forming compound words were given. The q's contained the second part of the compound word. The first word of the compound word had to be guessed. Then its meaning had to be matched with the choices.

(see old papers)  like ...block head, main stream, star dust




(1) -(head)- (a) purpose (b) man (c) obstacle

(ans:c for blockhead)


(2) (dust)- (a) container (b) celestial body (c) groom

(ans: c for star dust)


(3) (stream )-(a) mountain (b) straight (c)



(4) (crash)- (a) course (b) stock3

________________________________________________________________________Red Set :


i) Series Transformation:


1) If 102101 à 210212 then 112112 à ?


2) If 102101 à 200111 then 112112 à ?


3) If 102101 à 101201 then 112112 à ?


Tips: The 1st one all change 0->1, 1->2, 2->1 AND the 2nd on alternate do not change AND the 3rd it is just reverse of the original string.


ii) Target=127: Brick=24,17,13: Operation available = +, /, *, -

   Again there r 4 choices. For ex choice b) 20,6,7

  Tips: Answer is (b) b’cos 20*6+7=127. Hence it is the answer


Q: 1) U have to make a Target =102; The Answer from the option is  (6,17,2,1)


Q: 2) TARGET = 41; Five No’s were given, 25 22 16 5 1. U can use this no’s only once & can perform Operation  +, *, -, /, (); Options were:

A) 25 22 16 5      B) 25 22 16 1      C) 25 22 5 1       D) 25 16 5 1)




iii) Cryptic Sentence - Form words


A sentence is there .a cryptically clue is hidden in the sentence. Find out answer from the option.

1) A friend in Rome

a) aerodrome    b) palindine     c) palindrome     d) condom

Ans: palindrome


2) Rowed them across

a) Crosswiz       b) acropolis     c) acroword       d) crossword

Ans: crossword/crossover


3) Cuticle cutting the filly glass

a) Cubicle         b) up hilly       c) cut glass                d) cutlass

Ans: cutlass


4) Hat jumps upward in a water closet

a) Watch       b) witch

Ans: watch/whatever


Tips: The 1st one Jumble out the word SHORE to get the word HORSE and then get the adjective of the word HORSE as TROJAN

     The 2nd one lips à slip à Freudian  / French


iv) Anagram noun form the corresponding adjectives



Q: some nouns are jumbled on, you have to rearrange, look for a suitable adjective:

Make a phrase then.

1) Shore

a) Aegean       b) Indian         c) Trojan       d) Spartan

Ans: Trojan


2) Sire

a) dutch          b) rome           c) herculean   d) mercurial

Ans: mercurial


3) Ourcage

a) English          b) Rome          c) Dutch           d) Spartan

Ans: Spartan


4) Lips

 Again there r 4 choices.



v) Jigsaw puzzle as given in the book by Edgar Thorpe, of TMH Publications


vi) FUNCTIONS same as CTS_BLACK\fun


vii) x, y à strings of G st there is at least one G in x and y

xoxy valid

xoy à xoxy invalid

Find valid & invalid strings


Last section had meaningful words whose anagrams are nouns and have to choose the best adjective from the list to describe this noun:


Eg: shore (word given)

Choices are:      a) roman                 b) Spanish             c) Trojan          d)....

Ans: c) Trojan


Shore is anagram (jumbled form of) 'horse' and Trojan -- horse is the best match



2) This section had the funda of xOy where x and y represented strings of Gs. The test was to find the valid or invalid patterns with reference to the rules.


1) L=list of objects


Eg) L = {a, b, c, d} where a,b,c,d are objects

P(L) was a function( don’t remember exactly).

M(L) was another function defined etc.

in the following questions P(x) etc were given to be found out.


Note: This may take considerable amount of time. So take intelligent guesses.


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